Building Physics and Thermal Comfort
Building Physics and Thermal Comfort
A climate chamber simulates the environmental climate. The combination of two adjacent indoor climate chambers provides a so-called double climate chamber. In the two identical test chambers (adiabatic, with high thermal inertia), technical building systems can be evaluated under real-life conditions. Extensive measurement technology, measurement data acquisition and process automation are available for this purpose. Typical areas of application are:
- Performance measurements of facade-integrated building services, especially ventilation
- Evaluation of the dynamic behavior of heating/cooling and ventilation
- Performance measurements on surface temperature control systems ( including building component activation), especially under transient operating conditions for controller development
- Room air flow for different ventilation systems under variable operating conditions
- Steady-state and dynamic special measurements for heating/cooling and ventilation for determining performance curves and time constants
- Management strategies for inert and agile indoor heat/cool transfer systems
- Bewertung des thermischThermal comfort assessment (PMV/PPD and local comfort variables) in living and working areas